bloggin' it
Thursday, October 02, 2003
I made applesauce last night with Alison! What fun! I've never made it myself before and neither had she so it was quite interesting. Also, Alison doesn't follow directions very well... Putting her and me together made for some interesting times but it all turned out good in the end. We kinda made up our own recipe and it tasted really good! We had some good conversations too, which is nice, considering I'm still getting to know people around here. It's really wierd though. Most of the people I met here and have hung out with are married or living with their significant others, and that puts another huge slant on everything. Alison is only a year older but is now married. It's a whole nother stage in life that i'm not at right now (and that's probably a good thing) but also a stage I'm anxious to be in. I think she's the first person that I really vocalized this too, and it feels good to talk about it. Alleviates some fears in a way. It's something that has occupied a lot of my thoughts recently- what I want in the guy I marry, how I want my household to be, how I want to be treated, etc, etc. And I think it's good, but it's confusing and I feel like the only one who's concerned with this right now. Maybe I'm over-obsessing. I listened to this show where they were talking about problems in marriages and how being married doesn't mean that your husband will or can fulfill all of our emotional needs or that you will still feel IN love later on in life. it's something you have to work on, try real hard at. Something that doesn't just come naturally. I'm also reading a book comparing Freud to CS Lewis and I'm in the section now of their views on sex and sexuality. Lewis talks about the 4 types of love and how love and hate are so close together. We treat those we love so awfully sometimes because we begin to take them for granted. We treat our parents terribly because we know we're not at the risk of losing their love. We may take advantage of someone's love and treat them horribly, just because we think we won't lose their love or that we're close enough that we can say these hurtful things and it won't matter. It's a really interesting book- if you are into philosophy or religion you should read it. It's actually not only for philosophy or religion but brings up some interesting points about humanity. it's called "The Question of God" by Armand M Nicholi, Jr. It comes highly recommended!

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